My new podcast, How Books Are Made, is about the art and science of making books. It’s for book lovers curious about what happens behind the scenes, and for decision makers who need to get books into the world.
Just search for How Books Are Made in any podcast player. Or listen at
In episode one, I talk to best-selling author Sam Beckbessinger about marketing and creative freedom.
In episode two, one of SA’s most widely distributed book illustrators, Jess Jardim-Wedepohl, and I talk about her process, and making books under pressure.
And in episode three, Klara Skinner and I take a whirlwind tour through the entire book-production process.
In episode four, I’ll be talking to John Pettigrew, founder of Futureproofs, about innovation in publishing.
Plus, listen to the trailer for a quick intro, and a funny story about my engagement, my mother, and flammable book-making.